Festival Of Souls – What To Bring
- Twin Sheet per bunk
- Pillow
- Blanket
- T-Shirts (3-4)
- Pants/Shorts (2-3)
- Long Sleeve Shirt (1or2)
- Pajamas
- Jacket
- Hoodie
- Rain Jacket
- Shoes (1-3 pair)
- Undergarments
- Ritual Gear *not required*
- Costumes (for Feast)
- Shampoo/Conditioner
- Feminine Hygiene Products
- Toothbrush/Toothpaste
- Towel
- Hair Brush
- Deoderant
- Costume Makeup (for Feast)
- Regular Makeup (if you so choose)
- Hand Sanitizer
- Bug Spray
- Sunblock
- Flashlight
- Feast Gear
- Candy (for kids’ Trick-or-Treat)
- Cash for Vendor Row/Raffle Tickets
- Extension Cord/Faerie Lights (for room)
- Heater/Fan (for room)
- Snacks
- Camping Chair
- Batteries
- Banner (for Great Hall)
- Item (other than lettuce) to donate for the “Salad of Doom”